[Gambas-user] LiXCE Desktop And Gambas on Alpine

james at lixce.com james at lixce.com
Fri Dec 8 01:04:40 CET 2023

Beno?t, Joe1962,

Thank you for the kind words!  I must admit using xdotool for most X11 interaction. Would love to use gb.desktop more but get frustrated.  I have avoided Wayland so far but the future looks bad.  Hopefully someone much smarter than me will fork Wayland and provide an alternative that permits at least some control of your own computer.

> SparkyLinux
Thank you, Sparky looks interesting! I may throw it on a laptop and check it out. Right now I am slimming down Artix, BruceS just sent me his MPlay-lib Gambas class which should allow me to at least minimize GStreamer.


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