[Gambas-user] Gambas on Alpine

T Lee Davidson t.lee.davidson at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 04:09:37 CET 2023

On 12/5/23 01:03, james at lixce.com wrote:
> Hello All,
> Has anyone actually gotten Gambas3 to run on Alpine Linux?
> It installed without error using the information on the Wiki but I get a segfualt when trying to start any Gambas3 program.
> /usr/bin/gambas3.gambas is 6.1MB
> I'm not enamored with Alpine, just looking for a very light distribution to run my Gambas based Desktop on.
> Thanks,
> -j

I can see why you may not like it. I installed it in a VM just to see if I could produce the same or different results as you. 
Thinking it would be a good idea to compile as a normal user, I tried to add one with `useradd`. Nope, no such utility; the 
system uses Busybox, uggh. That's as far as I got.

Have you considered or tried more popular lightweight distros such as antiX or Puppy linux?

Puppy wouldn't install properly. But, at least these two use the standard GNU core utils and don't Busy-box you in (heh, see 
what I did there).


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