[Gambas-user] How to use a different language than the desktop

BB adamnt42 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 09:59:24 CEST 2023

French is a geographically described language, France, Canada, 
Switzerland etc all have there own. Try setting LANG=fr-FR 
(capitalization must be exact)


On 28/8/23 11:11 am, Martín wrote:
> Hi there.
> How can I force a Gambas program to use a different language than the 
> desktop? for example my desktop is in Spanish but I want the gambas 
> program run in French (the phrases are in English)
> I try LANG=FR But doesn't work.
> Then LANGUAGE=FR But doesn't work neither.
> At run time I managed to change the dark and light color theme, also 
> the system icons or the custom ones, but I couldn't change the language.
> https://imgur.com/FNKb3sr
> Best regards
> https://imgur.com/FNKb3sr
> https://imgur.com/FNKb3sr
> Martin.
> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----
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