[Gambas-user] Translation Failure with 3.16.2

Benoit Minisini benoit.minisini at gambas-basic.org
Mon Apr 24 11:01:25 CEST 2023

Le 24/04/2023 à 10:53, Jorge Carrión a écrit :
> Since last actualization of Stable Repository, I can't translate my 
> project. All seems correct but after do translation all Iget is the message:
> es_ES.po:1:57: syntax error
> msgfmt: 1 fatal error found
> and on gambas console:
> Unable to compile translation file with 'msgfmt':es_Es.po
> Does it only happen to me? Should I report it in the bugtracker?
> Attached is the es_ES.po file.
> Best regards.

Strange, I see nothing unexpected in the file at line 57, or in any 
other place.

Benoît Minisini.

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