[Gambas-user] Starting a new process - but not as a child

T Lee Davidson t.lee.davidson at gmail.com
Fri Nov 18 18:38:33 CET 2022

On 11/18/22 05:52, BB wrote:
> On 18/11/22 9:04 pm, gian via User wrote:
>> Il 18/11/22 09:50, BB ha scritto:
>>> *Is there any way to spawn a new process that is **_not_**a child of the running gambas process?*
>> I don't know if it is feasible.
>> If I were to do it myself (to puttanesca :-)), I would do a pre-megaparser to skim text files to send to three folders 
>> (Rotten, Sick, Healthy) and then run the megaparser for the Healthy folder and then the parsers.
>> Regards
>> Gianluigi
> You are probably right, I was trying to avoid this (for reasons of non-disclosure agreements, I was trying to avoid that).

Yes, that is a good idea and along the lines of what I was thinking.

I see, from the rest of the discussion, that you have at least alleviated the problem. But, allow me to shoot one more idea at you.

If it were me, I think I would put the 'good' files in a spool folder, and then have a separate spool consumer that spins up the 
processing with the GUI monitoring, pulling the files out based on timestamp. If storing the files locally may subject them to 
disclosure, perhaps setting the permissions on the spool directory to 600 for specific user(s) might suffice to prevent it.


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