[Gambas-user] Starting a new process - but not as a child

Karl Reinl karl.reinl at fen-net.de
Fri Nov 18 12:39:06 CET 2022

Am Freitag, dem 18.11.2022 um 21:22 +1030 schrieb BB:
> But you may have given me another idea. If the megaparser thinks the 
> file is a puttanesca (yes, I know what it means) then I'll just send
> it 
> back to them with a "Garbage In - Garbage Out" message. Let's see
> how 
> that like that!


look with your browser  'linux check if a xml is valid' , 
choose one of the found way to make the triage.
Copy all xml to a start folder and let the engine make the Cinderella

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