[Gambas-user] App keeps running after closing since Gambas 3.17.2

Claus Dietrich claus.dietrich at freenet.de
Wed May 25 15:42:38 CEST 2022

My Gambas web-radio app doesn't quit entirely when I close it. This 
happens since I upgraded to Gambas 3.17.2. A counter check with Gambas 
3.16.3 confirmed that this is a new problem. To make the app quit under 
Gambas 3.17.2 I have to add a Quit command as last command in 
Form_Close(). I regard this as bad stile and prefer to know, what causes 
this problem.

Unfortunately the app is very comprehensive and has some pending copy 
right subjects relating to the radio station logos. So it would be hard 
to strip it down to a bug demo app. It uses the SpectrumPlayer class 
from Adrien Prokopowicz which might relate to the issue, but I couldn't 
find any reason. Does anyone have a first guess, similar experience or 
an advise how to approach this problem?

Running the project with gdb gbx3 showed the same problem and I needed 
to kill the pending gbx3 process.


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