[Gambas-user] HTTP Form

T Lee Davidson t.lee.davidson at gmail.com
Fri May 13 15:17:58 CEST 2022

On 5/13/22 08:18, Gianluigi wrote:
> Thank you Lee for your kind response.
> I am completely new to this subject.
> I have never worked with a server and client, I was trying to understand what an http form is for.
> I imagine that in order to send data to the server it needs to be able to read the form and to do that it needs to be the server 
> that provides the form.
> I'll give another example: to access the bugtraker you need to fill out the form with login and password, basically it's the 
> example you were giving Hans (or maybe not), but if I send the data with your code I don't access the bugtraker and nothing 
> happens except to receive the html page code as usual.
> So I keep asking myself what can HttpForm be used for.
> :-(
> Regards
> Gianluigi

HttpForm is basically an easier way to submit a HTML form than using HttpClient. And, getting the HTML of the page after 
submitting the form is exactly what should happen, as with HttpClient. By examining the HTML code, one can determine whether or 
not the login (in the example of submitting the Bugtracker login form) was successful.

When I get a bit of extra time, I'll try to work up an example that also helps show how a HTML form works server-side.


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