[Gambas-user] HTTP Form

T Lee Davidson t.lee.davidson at gmail.com
Fri May 13 01:38:07 CEST 2022

On 5/12/22 08:42, Gianluigi wrote:
> Hi Lee,
> I am referring to this response you gave to Hans:
> https://lists.gambas-basic.org/pipermail/user/2022-April/075809.html 
> <https://lists.gambas-basic.org/pipermail/user/2022-April/075809.html>
> I created a new "Web form application" with Debug > Configuration On Use embedded HTTP server and started it up
> Your code with .URL = "localhost:8080" reads the window data fine, but I didn't understand how it could manipulate it (e.g. 
> write in a label)
> Basically I can't figure out how it works or what it is for.
> Would you care to elaborate? Thank you for your attention.
> Regards
> Gianluigi

I am unsure exactly what you are trying to do.

The code I posted for Hans was for HttpForm, not WebForm. Webform operates on the server side. HttpForm is a client (that simply 
makes it easier to submit a HTML form). HttpForm would not modify anything on the server; the web application would have to do that.

I haven't done any work with gb.web.gui, but from the wiki it appears that Webform does not actually represent a HTML form; but 
merely any page or dialog of a web application. And now that I'm looking, I don't see any readily apparent way to create a HTML 
form with gb.web.gui.


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