[Gambas-user] Timer for the class Webpage

Bruce Steers bsteers4 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 20:09:42 CEST 2022

Have you checked out the source code for the WebTimer in gb.web.gui ?


On Thu, 21 Jul 2022 at 17:06, Hans Lehmann <hans at gambas-buch.de> wrote:

> Hello.
> We are currently developing websites based on the Webpage (gb.web)
> class. The (template) website consists of 5 sections: Head, Header,
> Navigation, Content and Footer. The first three sections and the footer
> are the same for all created web pages. Depending on the navigation,
> suitable content (type webpage) is included in the content section:
> <!-- BEGIN CONTENT -->
>    <% Select Case Request.Query
>          Case "Environment" %>
>         <<IncEnvironment>>
>       <% Case "DBReport" %>
>         <<IncDBReport>>
>       <% Case "Multimedia" %>
>         <<IncMultimedia>>
>       <% Case "Formular" %>
>         <<IncFormular>>
>       <% Case "Impressum" %>
>         <<IncImpressum>>
>       <% Default %>
>         <<IncHome>>
>    <% End Select %>
> <!-- END CONTENT -->
> This now works excellently, also after support from Lee.
> Here is an example that describes the task to be solved, which is a
> problem for us:
> The content of a web page to be included, in which a database report is
> displayed, consists of only one line:
> <%InsertDBTable()%>.
> The procedure 'InsertDBTable()' in the class IncDBReport.class queries
> an (SQLite) database table, prepares the data for the report and
> generates an HTML table with the selected data, which is displayed in
> the web browser.
> The data in the DB table changes constantly.
> A solution is sought for the task of changing, updating the table in the
> web page at a fixed interval. Since there is no timer for web
> applications based on the class Webpage (gb.web), we are grateful for
> any advice on how to realise and use such a timer. To put it a bit
> bluntly: without a timer, the class Webpage is nothing half and nothing
> whole.
> With kind regards
> Hans
> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----
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