[Gambas-user] Gambas on Windows with WSL2 and gwsl with Debian backport edition of gambas

Rolf-Werner Eilert rwe-sse at osnanet.de
Wed Jul 6 12:10:10 CEST 2022

Am 06.07.22 um 08:20 schrieb Brian G:
> Hi I don't know if anyone else is interested in this or has done this... 
> but now with the Backport working
> it is possible to install all stock software and run your gambas apps on 
> a windows platform.
> I have now been able to run my users applications on windows 10 and 11 
> using wsl 2 and Gwsl(x server)  with debian installed
> You must install debian and GWSL from the microsoft store
> You must install all ssh and gambas gtk3 -- gtk3 seems to work best for 
> gui requirements etc
> You must install gambas3 from the bullseye backport repository
> Start GWSL choose linux applications - start your app or gambas3 from 
> the menu
> Applications run seamlessly so far in testing still testing .
> Here is a picture of a test app.
> "Failure is the key to success;
>   each mistake teaches us something"  .. Morihei Ueshiba
> Brian G
> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----

Very interesting! I had a trial with a former version which still needed 
a separate Xserver. But it runs well anyway.

However, that older version does not support a drive pointing to a Samba 
drive on a linux server. In my case, I would need my programs picking 
data from a drive X: which is a Samba release from the server which runs 
on an ext4 partition.

If they have solved that by now, it's great. If not, it would still be a 
showstopper for me.

On our system, I have linux terminal servers running everywhere. My 
solution was a virtual box on the Windows machine which boots like any 
of the terminals. Of course that runs flawlessly, but it is somewhat... 
roundabout I would say.


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