[Gambas-user] Emacs support for Gambas

Tobias Boege tobs at taboege.de
Thu Sep 23 09:02:42 CEST 2021

On Wed, 22 Sep 2021, Duke Normandin wrote:
> New Gambas user here!
> I do not like or use IDEs. Is there emacs support for Gambas?

If there is, it isn't maintained here. I looked through my local mailing
list archive 2012--present and didn't find a mention of emacs which is
relevant to your question.

> Also, where is there nay documentation that givers the details on
> how to compile and then run a Gambas program? I cannot seem to
> stumble on it. Thanks!

This page contains some information, but it seems to be broken (at least
in my browser): http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/arch

In short:

  - The compiler is gbc3. Point it to a project directory and it will
    create compiled class files in the hidden .gambas directory inside.
    Use it with -a to recompile everything even if it seems to the
    compiler that the source file was not changed.

  - The interpreter is gbx3. Point it to the project directory to
    execute it from the compiled classes inside.

  - Alternatively, you can create an executable archive using gba3
    which you can run with gbr3.

Note that there is no external debugger. That is built into the IDE and
I don't think that the debugging protocol is documented and stable.


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