[Gambas-user] Migrating to Gambas

KKing kicking177 at gmail.com
Wed Jun 16 18:38:08 CEST 2021

Hi also to mention if you have any serious amount of XML handling in VB6 
you may also be in for a fair amount of pain in trying to migrate.

It's been a while since we looked at this so things may have moved on 
but last we looked there was no XPath support and no selectSingleNode or 
selectNodes or equivalent. The closest seemed to be something called 
GetElementsByTagName which only works at the document level so not very 
helpful if you have things like "DateTime" or "UserId" appearing in 
multiple nodes and you want a specific one. Think we found a lot of 
syntax quite different which after some joy at so much similarity was a 
blow. We also had issue with formatting of output .

So a few big solutions are running under wine because it was the 
quickest way to keep the same functionality with minimal effort.

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