[Gambas-user] HTTP Gambas server

Olivier Coquet ocoquet at 3d-phenomen.fr
Mon Jan 11 13:51:03 CET 2021

Hi Mayost,

Thank's for the test.

For your first question: 1. Will it be possible to run it: gb.web.gui ?

No it's not, it's not the goal for instance (Maybe in the future.....:) )

The goal of this project is to be totally free of dependencies (except 
gb.crypt and gb.net) to run on small machines (Raspberry for example) 
and it must be implemented without competences except Gambas Basic 
elementary programing and htm editing.

For your second question: Is there any documentation on the gbp file ?

For instance, except in my head, there is no help files, i'm working on it.

*.gbp are standards html pages with tow specificities

1) a special balise <NeedCookie> just before Title Balises, to say that 
this page need a valide cookie session to be viewed.

2) Some {XXXXX} witch must be replaced bye treatment procedure before 
sending to navigator. Can be what you want "//contenu//, {mavaleur}" 
etc..... but I prefer {....} it's more clear for me :)

The concept of this server is : use pages, requests, forms 
parameters....inside a Gambas basic procedure or Function and not as an 
inside page program like php make it.

This morning, i've make my first integration of this class in program, 
originally not made to communicate with web, after installation of 
class, my program communicate without other things (but for instance it 
do absolutely nothing :).

I Hope, this made a correct answer to your questions.

Olivier Coquet

Le 11/01/2021 à 13:30, Mayost Sharon a écrit :
> ---------- Original Message -----------
> From: Olivier Coquet <ocoquet at 3d-phenomen.fr>
> To: Gambas Mailing List <user at lists.gambas-basic.org>
> Sent: Fri, 8 Jan 2021 17:55:41 +0100
> Subject: [Gambas-user] HTTP Gambas server
>> Hi all,
>> Is somebody interested by a pure Gambas HTTP server (just gb.net and
>> gb.crypt needed) ?
>> ...
>> With this, all programs can be "web communicant" in stand alone mode.
>> Tell me if you want to download (version 0.0.15 is coming tomorrow on my
>> Gambas forum).
>> Regards From France
>> Olivier Coquet
>> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----
> ------- End of Original Message -------
> I tried the version that works well.
> I have a few questions:
> 1. Will it be possible to run it: gb.web.gui
> 2. Is there any documentation on the gbp file
> Thank you
> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----

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