[Gambas-user] Free as in freedom

Gianluigi bagonergi at gmail.com
Mon Feb 22 13:50:30 CET 2021

Il giorno lun 22 feb 2021 alle ore 10:29 Martin <mbelmonte at belmotek.net> ha

> In my opinion, software developers should not restrict the freedoms of
> others, that is where the "open" concept comes in, but then to prevent
> someone from taking over the software and "closing" it, the concept of
> "free" (GPL) appears, which ensures that the software and all its
> derivatives are always free.
> Open software does not ensure your freedom whereas free software (GPL)
> does.
> If, for example, you develop a program for a few years and license it with
> BSD and then if a company takes the code and improves it and distributes
> the binary program, you will never see those improvements because the
> company is not obliged to publish the improved source code.
> On the other hand, if you use GPL everything that a company (or others
> developpers) improves on a free code and distributes the binary, it is
> legally obliged to distribute the source code also with the same freedoms.

I totally agree with you, if you create GPL software you are guaranteed
against future closures and you get all the benefits from it and nobody
forbids you to sell it under various forms of assistance.

But perhaps this discussion takes place on two different levels, hence the
The basic question is: can you create closed software with Gambas3?
I am too ignorant to answer and only say my idea that it is no for the
reasons set out previously.
And I also say no from a moral point of view, because whoever helped me
understand the various aspects of Gambas is right to see how I put them to
good(?) use.

The same not goes for those who create Gambas, they have all the rights to
produce closed software, having already put their knowledge available to

I repeat that these are just my ideas and that everyone has the right to
believe and behave as he wants.

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