[Gambas-user] Run command after making exe (options)

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 18 13:55:35 CET 2021

Le 18/02/2021 à 00:27, Bruce Steers a écrit :
> Okay  understand
> I could use ; to multiline.
> I hit a snag in fedora last night where my command made on mint would 
> have worked fine if it accounted for /media or /run/media.
> I ended up symlinking the dirs on fedora.
> That's when I thought a little more scope in the command box will be handy.
> Okay if you feel it's not needed.
>      > thirdly (sorry 3 things)
>      > possibly a checkbox to disable any text output in the console?
>      > currently even if my command has no output the console still
>     prints the
>      > command line. (it overides warnings tab)
>     Why? You must want to see the output of your command, to check that it
>     was run and that there were no problem.
> Well I did at first but now the command is running fine I tried to 
> disable the output as do not need it now. But the console tab is all i 
> see now. Even if warnings the console always shows.
> Or maybe let warning tab take priority over console message when making exe?
> Or if you stopped the console echoing the the command and just print the 
> output then I could control if I got output or not with >/dev/null
> All the best 😎
> BruceS

You don't have to close a merge request at each change. If you modify 
your branch, the merge request should be automatically updated.


Benoît Minisini

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