[Gambas-user] close the FileDialog with a DBClick on a file

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at Fen-Net.de
Tue Dec 14 10:35:17 CET 2021

Am Montag, dem 13.12.2021 um 19:32 -0500 schrieb T Lee Davidson:
> FileChooser. FileDialog, to my knowledge, does not exist.

Salut Lee,

you right FFileDialog.* ist the Sourcecode for FileChooser.
I lookt there to find out where the message comes from.

But in fchChoose_Activate() I found the message part commented out.
    ' If Not fchChoose.ReadOnly Then 
    '   If Exist(sPath) Then 
    '     If Message.Warning(("This file already exists.\n\nDo you want
to overwrite it?"), ("&Overwrite"), ("Cancel")) = 2 Then Return
    '   Endif 
    ' Endif

So I wonder where the message comes from
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