[Gambas-user] gitlab-ci.yml

Martin Belmonte mbelmonte at belmotek.net
Mon Dec 13 23:08:31 CET 2021

The file lists the dependencies of each distribution.
As you know debian always has the stable, testing and unstable branches 
but every two years the thing changes and what was testing becomes 
stable and a new testing appears, and the stable becomes old stable etc. 
Well, if I see the history of changes of the .yml file I see that it was 
modified in repeated occasions, which denotes that it is always up to 
date, and it has the 4 versions debian old, stable, testing, unstable. 
At what point does make or make install use this information?
Is this information to be used when packaging gambas3?
If none of the above, when is it used?
I ask all this because I'm updating the Debian Wiki page and if the .yml 
doesn't cover unsuported versions, does it make sense to cover them in 
the wiki?
Does it make sense to put the same information in 3 different places?

I see make -j$(nproc) instead just "make" or make -j (wich freeze my pc) 
but make -j$(nproc) its really fast.

Sorry for the long memail :-)

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