[Gambas-user] Gambas Foundation?

Bruce Steers bsteers4 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 1 12:46:04 CET 2021

On Wed, 1 Dec 2021 at 09:01, Gianluigi <bagonergi at gmail.com> wrote:

> Il giorno mar 30 nov 2021 alle ore 23:41 Antonio F.S. <
> antonioceula at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> Good evening.
>> First of all, it is not my intention to subtract, but to add for the
>> benefit of GAMBAS. As I said before, Mr. B.M. is the one who (I suppose)
>> should decide about its creation. I have mentioned a GAMBAS foundation
>> but, from the principle of language preservation for a better
>> perspective within open source, although please excuse me if my
>> ignorance of the "gear" of the GAMBAS guideline is a different way;
>> maybe I got carried away by the passion of the power I perceive in this
>> fabulous and masterful IDE.
>> Best regards.
>> Antonio F.S.
> Hi Antonio,
> it seems to me that no one wanted to snub your proposal or disrespect you,
> if this seems like I apologize.
> Only one wonders: what does it add to what is already there?
> If you want to participate, you can and if you show your skills you join
> the programmer's club.
> Since Benoit is a 'one man' no one forbids, before or after his
> 'departure', to fork and move forward on the new track.
> All those who use Gambas love it, a little less, or so it seems to me, the
> 'political' ideas of its creator ;-

Aaaaand now i need to retort...

I do not like it when people say "ALL those who use gambas" or "everyone
thinks this" because you include me in that statement.
You do not speak for me so please do not presume to do so. All you know is
"some" think like you.
Your phrasing included me so now i have to say my bit.

I have the "privilege" to use gambas for free. I have the "honour" to be
able to contribute (thank you Benoit).
When it comes to "rights" i have none, I do not have the right to tell
Benoit what to do with his software, I do not have the "right" to try to
tell him what he can or cannot say on this forum.  I have the "ability" to
create my own fork of gambas and the "right" to do with that whatever i
want :) (thank you again Benoit)

I personally think it's a bit horrific the way Ben got the Flu and people
(mostly newbs) suddenly wanna talk about taking things over :-\ (slightly
vulture like)

Antonios post seems to be the typical newbie scenario where someone new to
Gambas says "gambas should be run like this, or that" then they find out it
already is like that they just don't know it yet.
(we probably get 2-5 of these per year ;) )

;-)   <-- smiley face so you find this all funny and do not take any
offence or consider passive aggressive manipulation happening  ;)
But only if you are type of person to have the sense of humour of course :)
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