[Gambas-user] How to specify a string constant in an Exec statement

Bruce adamnt42 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 12 11:19:03 CEST 2020


1. There us no closing ]

2. Exec does NOT pre-process the arguments you give it. Try
	get_iplayer '\".\"' --type=TV
   in a terminal and see what it says. You have to understand exactly 
what gambas sends to the exec system call. N.B. exec system call not 
"Exec" system call.

3. try in gambas
	Exec ["get_iplayer","'.*","--type=TV"] To sOutput
   It's a guess

4. Pay particular attention to the single and double quotes in the above.


On 12/7/20 5:06 pm, John Rose wrote:
> Exec ["get_iplayer", "\".*\"", "--type=TV" To sOutput

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