[Gambas-user] Web-Service/Web-Interface

Hans Lehmann hans at gambas-buch.de
Tue Dec 15 13:36:50 CET 2020


For the solution of the following task I need a solution idea:

I have a board with a temperature sensor, which can be connected to a 
computer via a RS232/USB adapter. The program to read the current 
tempatuir is after the basic configuration of the RS232 interface in the 
taskbar, so that only a TrayIcon is visible -> 
https://gambas-buch.de/dwen/doku.php?id=k13:k13.6:start .

I want to display the current temperature in a web page, where I can 
also configure the RS232 interface via a form.

How do I realize in a simple way the bi-directional exchange of data 
between the temperature measuring program and the web interface?

With kind regards


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