[Gambas-user] Test Module, First try

Bruce adamnt42 at gmail.com
Fri Aug 14 09:09:25 CEST 2020

On 14/8/20 3:36 pm, Christof Thalhofer wrote:
> Btw.: Can't $XDG_DATA_HOME be used?
> http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/library

Jeepers! It's a long time since I wrote that. I am not sure whether it 
is still competely true.

You'll have to (as I did at the time) step through the library loader 
code and confirm whwther it is all still correct.

btw. In casual reading of this thread I also see a few refernces to 
/usr/lib - this is not always the location of shared libraries. Search
LD_LIBRARY_PATH usage on the internet to see more. There is a doc, a rfc 
perhaps, that gives a great explanation of how shared libraries are 
resolved in linux. Sorry I never kept the link.


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