[Gambas-user] gb.web.gui application with apache2

Benoît Minisini g4mba5 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 13:09:31 CEST 2020

Le 27/04/2020 à 08:09, Safiur Rahman a écrit :
> Hi Benoît
> How can I run application with gb.web.gui with apache2? Is the method
> different from that of gb.web.form?

As explained in a previous mail, gb.web.gui works differently than 
gb.web.form inside, but it should make no difference from the outside, 
i.e. from the web server. It is still a CGI script.

> When I run an application with gb.web.form in apache2 then it works
> well. However when the same application using gb.web.gui is run in
> apache2 it does not load the form.
> In terminal the two application output little different.
> 1) The application with gb.web.form outputs "Content-type:
> text/html;charset=utf-8" in the first line.
> 2) However the application with  gb.web.gui outputs "Set-Cookie:
> GBSESSIONID=:596DC6099DEACC59BDACF03B;path=/;httponly" in the first
> line followed by "Content-type: text/html;charset=utf-8" in the second
> line.
> ----[ http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/netiquette ]----

There is no reason it should not work with apache2, and AFAIK there is 
no mandatory order in HTTP headers.

I use 'thttpd' on my own computer, and it works. I will try to find 
other servers with different http servers to check.


Benoît Minisini

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