[Gambas-user] Fwd: Boxed string question
bagonergi at gmail.com
Wed Sep 11 15:53:53 CEST 2019
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Da: Gianluigi <bagonergi at gmail.com>
Date: mer 11 set 2019 alle ore 15:34
Subject: Re: [Gambas-user] Boxed string question
To: Tobias Boege <taboege at gmail.com>
Il giorno mer 11 set 2019 alle ore 14:44 Tobias Boege <taboege at gmail.com>
ha scritto:
> ...
> I would go with the first one.
> [...] Unicode is really, really hard [1]. If you want to support it (which
> I've been just assuming throughout this thread because you started off
> using methods of the String class), then you should use methods that
> promise to do it for you for everything and never ever work with Bytes,
> even if it means you have to split a string into an array and put it
> back together again.
> Regards,
> Tobi
> [1] Just a very recent example: https://hsivonen.fi/string-length/
thank you, you are always a master at providing complete information.
To be fair I must say that the second example was aimed at a problem only
in Italy (not international), and as you know Italian is very different
from German and Spanish.
However I can reassure you, I have no intention of playing with bytes,
unfortunately I and the bytes do not have a good relationship. :-(
Proof of this is my unofficial suggestion to Benoit for the introduction of
a new ProperCase function. :-D
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