[Gambas-user] Scrolling text in a textbox?
Fabien Bodard
gambas.fr at gmail.com
Wed Nov 27 16:29:53 CET 2019
Why a textbox ?... It can be a Drawingarea ?
Le mer. 27 nov. 2019 à 14:00, Gianluigi <bagonergi at gmail.com> a écrit :
> Il giorno mer 27 nov 2019 alle ore 10:10 Bruce <adamnt42 at gmail.com> ha scritto:
>> Is there a way or has anyone achieved a custom control that does the
>> <marquee> ... blah blah blah ...</marquee> thing in a textbox?
>> I never thought I would want one, but stange how life pans out.
>> There is a constant, albeit sporadic, set of "updates" that affect one
>> or more things that the user is "watching". So I thought maybe if we
>> could scroll the last so many messages in a status bar type of thing.
>> Yes, we are back in the online "auction" game again :-[
>> At least this time it's a bit slower.
>> Let's say for Christmas Day you are looking for a 2016 Langhorne Creek
>> Shiraz. (In fact to qualify you need to be looking for 2 or 3 dozen.) We
>> have about 8 wineries and around 80 outlets (retail, wholesale and
>> cellar door) that provide that vintage. Also you are looking for one or
>> two bottles of 2012 North Victorian Muscat, six or so bottles of
>> something-or-other fizz and a bottle of sweet sherry for Aunt Jane.
>> The idea is you stick that order in and we do the "go searching".
>> Originally I thought we could just come up with the "best fit/best
>> value" answer. However it appears that
>> a) this can take a bit of time.. up to about 10 minutes and
>> b) if someone has got the Muscat on a two for one sale and another
>> "sticky" is even better value then "best value" becomes a bit meaningless.
>> (Sheesh! This was supposed to be a retirement hobby project! AKA someone
>> said (and I cant quote the exact words for fear of being censored but it
>> was along the lines of...) GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN AND GO DO SOMETHING!)
>> Well, that worked. I have spent the last three weeks demoing the very
>> rudimentary prototype to more marketers and sales reps than I ever
>> wished to meet in my life. The trouble is not only do they like it,
>> they have got lots of "wonderful suggestions". Sadly, most of their
>> ideas involve web-sites promoting their product. Which is the antithesis
>> of what we are trying to do.
>> The original idea was based on your ordinary "wine club" sort of thing.
>> We'd go and sign up a few bespoke wineries and they'd tell us what they
>> were remaindering, i.e. the stuff they wanted to move so this years
>> vintage could occupy the space released. We weren't going to "sell" it,
>> we would just "list it". Any club member could log in and see who was
>> trying to move what stuff. No fancies, no bling. They saw something
>> they liked, click and get a phone number or email address to order some.
>> No fee, no commission. Just that (ahem) I'd get a few bargains here and
>> there. Well, that idea soon blew up!
>> So now we have a relatively decent sort of client-server thingo going
>> that about 60 people are using sporadically and a bunch of marketers who
>> want to put videos with surround sound stereo on it. AAAAARRRGH! This is
>> just exactly what I am trying to avoid!
>> However the UI is crap. My fault.
>> So.
>> Instead of having to read the current stdout gibberish we print while
>> searching through catalogues and websites for partial matches and
>> possible goodies. Someone suggested that maybe we could do a slowly
>> scrolling sort of marquee thing across the bottom. Most times it would
>> say sort of "... still looking ..." and show some found items. OK I said
>> (Well that was a long way to get to the point. Sorry folks!)
>> But any ideas?
>> tia
>> bruce
>> ................. >>>>>> Best buys are here!!!!!! ...... Sign up
>> now!!!!! ..... (French horn concerto)..... <bold><purple> DO IT NOW!
>> <flash>
>> B: Joanne, get out of my emails!
>> J: pppppppp!!!
> I got lost in your speech, limited my answer to the title attaching a small test.
> Regards
> Gianluigi
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Fabien Bodard
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