[Gambas-user] Help for component gb.web.form

David Müller d.mueller at ertl.ch
Wed Nov 20 21:49:49 CET 2019


I have tested WebForms application and i know now that the static method 
WebControl.FromName() returns a child control object.

Warning: the name of the object is not the classname!

I used this function to get the reference of an embedded form :

The code is here: https://gambas.one/gambasfarm/?id=663&action=search

The classname is WebformSessionMgmt for example but, when i create this 
object, the name of the object when the program runs is "@2" on my 
computer. Later, i can find my object using WebContainer.FromName("@2").

Hope it helps


Le 19.11.19 à 19:36, Hans Lehmann a écrit :
> Hello,
> the component gb.web.form is unfortunately only very poorly 
> documented. Some properties, methods and events explain themselves - 
> but only the known ones. If it becomes special, then one stands 
> completely in the dark!
> To get ahead with our online book, I need help and support for the 
> following properties, methods and events, which are available in many 
> classes:
> (1) Events: Dialog and Render
> (2) Properties: FromID, FromName, Style, and Class
> The classes WebMenu, WebMenuBar and WebMenuItem are in total darkness! 
> The same applies to WebUploadArea and WebUploader.
> If someone can help, then I ask beside a short description also for a 
> small source code section, which shows, what is meant.
> Each answer is read gladly.
> With kind regards
> Hans
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