[Gambas-user] Format$ function

CD claude.dessere at orange.fr
Fri Jun 15 16:23:10 CEST 2018

Hi,I read, and read, the Gambas doc, search this lists.gambas-basic, and other. 
I searched in the config of my ubuntu-mate 18.04 without any success, otherwise
I would not be there:
why when I write for example in the console

Print Format$(1234567, "#, ## 0")
gb returns
1? 234? 567

freeoffice calc, returns him well the separator of the local thousands
for fr_FR: 1 234 567
I think it's an environmental problem and not gb, but I do not know where to set
that ...

I also tried 
Print Format$(1234567, "$#,##0")
1?234?567 €

Thank you for your answers
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