[Gambas-user] Tab's
bill-lancaster at brackenwood.one
Sat Jul 14 10:18:11 CEST 2018
I use the Activate event and the LostFocus so that either the 'enter'
key or the tab key moves to the next control after the contents of the
text box has been checked
On 14/07/18 08:29, Shane wrote:
> Yep got that
> but i want to this while in my program not the ide
> so in my program i want to press enter and it would act like i was
> pressing the tab key
> hope this make scene
> thanks for your help
> regrades Shane.
> On 14/07/18 15:57, Karl Reinl wrote:
>> Am Samstag, den 14.07.2018, 14:33 +1000 schrieb Shane:
>>> how can I enter a value in a component and then press enter and have my
>>> program tab into the next component in the tab order?
>>> cheers Shane.
>> Salut Shane,
>> on a form, choose the property window and open the second Tab (think its
>> called hierarchy)
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