[Gambas-user] using events of serial ports for reading how_?

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 23:57:16 CEST 2018

hi, me again! i modify a little now the class, with a auto null semaphore

as everybody said, if there's data in the port a read event will raise, but
there's not happened

i must manually send a read operation with my manual method to work.. why?

attached the project and also something when all the main.module lines
executed, programs does not end...

another question, i have a property (printermananger) that access to a
property in the printerclass
 that behaviour are too complex or inneficient or improperty?

Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

2018-08-07 12:52 GMT-04:00 PICCORO McKAY Lenz <mckaygerhard at gmail.com>:

> El mar., 7 de ago. de 2018 a la(s) 09:42, Tony Morehen
>> ...user space programs no longer need to deal with the low level details
>> of handshaking and flow control..... and just read and write to the serial
>> port as a stream.
> ok as i write, so gambas handle all the manage of the information
> to read and write using stream and Eof, (wow so great! right? )
> in any case was a great information about the data workflow,, thanks
> anyway tony
>> One issue that may arise, the linux kernel only uses CTS/RTS for flow
>> control; it ignores DSR/DTS.
> important information many thanks for that, This must be in the gambas
> wiki page of the seria port too
> i'll mark this mail and make a tutorial with better information
> El mar., 7 de ago. de 2018 a la(s) 12:06, T Lee Davidson
> > Even if any of them signal that data is available, the _Read event
> already does that for you.
> yeah i already know, it's hard to explain for me ...
> > Perhaps your goal could be accomplished by implementing a
> SerialPort.Read event handler
> NO, no more handlers or events, a normal procedimental methond
> > that adds the incoming data to a global accumulator,
> > and then manually reading the accumulator and clearing it once it's read.
> i want that in any moment can read the acumulator, and pas a command to
> modifi taht data
> again hard to explain and there's too much information to hide by the
> company
> > However, that may run into collisions and data integrity issues
> > if you try to manually read from, or clear, the accumulator
> > while the event handler is writing to it.
> yeah only if the data are not knowed but i really know parto of them
> of course we need implement a semaphore
> > Or, maybe using a Queue would meet your need:
> http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/comp/gb.data/queue .
> > (It's unfortunate that there's not much documentation on that.)
> a concurrent problem on the wiki, it's suppost to be first source of
> information and seems it's maillist
> i disagree that mailist be a source of information, a documentaiton it's
> the main tower of any project!
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