[Gambas-user] contribute user accoount does not meet with collaborators

PICCORO McKAY Lenz mckaygerhard at ...626...
Mon Sep 25 20:15:20 CEST 2017

2017-09-24 5:01 GMT-04:00 Adrien Prokopowicz <adrien.prokopowicz at ...626...>:

> First, what is the problem with having links ? Is it less accessible to
> have
> content behind a link rather than in the page ?
there's no problem, the problem its that does not explain, only say "go to"
lest see https://github.com/lxde/lxqt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md has all
links, of course, but wen you go to the wiki, detailed are found!
very very detailed! about developmen environment, issues, code style, etc

> You cant explain literally everything, mainly because the contributing
> guide
> would be way too long and would become cluttered, but also because this is
> not
> the place to make a complete tutorial on SSH or Git.
As alternative i suggest a "quick made" section and later a better
I suggest to you lear from other huge project like LXQT , all have good
CONTRIBUTE files with no so much lines, but explained, i based in those..

> The log format is the only thing explained in detail in the wiki, because
> it's
> the only thing that is really specific to Gambas. Everything else (Project
> forking
there's more thing specific must be explained, by example gambas/gambas the
firts are the team name, the second "one of the project" under that team..
lest see https://github.com/lxde/lxqt/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md has all
links, of course, but wen you go to the wiki, detailed are found!
very very detailed! about developmen environment, issues, code style, etc

and also a especial info related to project organization, code organization
etc.. (al of this explained in the how to git wiki)

> workflow, SSH, GPG, Git, and so on...) is standard and there is nothing
> specific
> to Gambas.
> Of course, because it is standard doesn't mean everyone knows it, but it
> means
> that it has good documentation already. And since GitLab already has all
> this
> documentation, why should we spend precious time and resources reinventing
> the
> wheel ?
> about the account the wiki and file said>
>> We also recommend you use SSH to work with Git repositories
>> <https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ssh/README.html>, instead of HTTPS. Not only
>> you won't have to enter your GitLab username and password every time you
>> want to interact with the repository, but it is also more secure as your
>> password is never sent through the network.
>> This are only usefully for those that have a computer fixed, and not
>> change
>> it! due implices not common steps  to certified the ssh keys in gitlab and
>> the computer..
>> i not have computer, always use the machines of others or from job..
>> all the not common cases are not explained.
> And they should not be. These kinds of guides are meant to give directions
> to
> people who are lost (like many were when we switched to Git), we can't make
> a super extensive guide covering every single case for every single person.
> --
> Adrien Prokopowicz

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