[Gambas-user] OH NO - not this ? again...

mikeB mikeB at ...3673...
Fri Sep 1 22:18:59 CEST 2017

eGreetings - The World of Gambas,

Most likely most of you will be thinking "OH NO - not this subject again"
but I'm sure I'm not the only one trying to switch from vb6(M$) to 
Gambas (Linux freedom)
that after many hours of research - is very confused on what is required 
to create/ re-distribute
an install file (e.g. xxx.deb).

I'm finding that this problem is harder to understand/ solve then the 
codling diff (vb6 vs Gambas).
Maybe, surely your advice will help many others ;-)

So here goes - my newbie questions:
* are the Gambas runtime files most always backward compatible?

* if so = why doesn't the "MAKE > Installation package" function  
automatically include them?
 From my testing it does not - get install error "Can not install - 
"Gambas runtime files missing blah, blah.."

Not a criticism but only a question - there most likely is a good reason?

* Is there somewhere/ someone that creates/ offers the current runtime 
files for download as a setup (e.g. Gambas-runtime.deb)?
I'm think'n that I could just have the end user download and run before 
install of my offering (Gambas app.)

* If not = how do I deal with this (include the runtime files) - PLEASE, 
so even I can understand ;-)

A BIG THANKS to anyone taking the time to advance this newbie, and 
others knowledge!

It will be a big help in advancing development of Linux Gambas apps so 
folks can rid themselves from M$.

Have a GREAT day,

PS: see that there are some of you that is working hard on the terminal 
component - will be a VERY exciting addition to Gambas

when completed - if you would, please inform the list when stable (and 
what is needed to do to implement).

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