[Gambas-user] Editing still blocked

Rolf-Werner Eilert rwe-sse at ...3629...
Mon May 8 15:57:21 CEST 2017

Am 08.05.2017 12:55, schrieb Fernando Cabral:
> I really need your help. I can't edit any code. Everything is locked. I
> have even taken two extreme measures: changed the whole directory tree to
> 777 (chmod-R 777 .) and re-installed gambas from scratch (this time using
> the PPA).
> Still does not work. Perhaps there is a specific file that  tells gambas
> to keep the whole thing locked. Isn't there?
> I'd appreciate if someone can give me some more ideas to try.
> Regards
> - fernando

Are these projects which you have coded yourself, saved and then closed 
and opened again? Or are these project which were made by others?

In the past (before software farm), there used to be the problem that 
when I loaded one of the examples offered on the website, they could be 
run but not edited. It's not that problem, is it? It was the rights 
thing, but not chmod but chown which caused it. Or maybe you loaded your 
own stuff from another machine where your username has another Uid?

There is a lock-file, but it will only cause Gambas asking if you are 
sure you are not working with the project already before loading it into 
the IDE.


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