[Gambas-user] usage of too much GOTO can be bad pracitce or make influence in the code?

Fernando Cabral fernandojosecabral at ...626...
Thu Jun 22 19:53:06 CEST 2017

On Thu, 22 Jun 2017, PICCORO McKAY Lenz wrote:

> > i only use to avoid a similar to this:
> >
> > if isnull(value ) then
> >    ' amount of 4000 lines of code
> > else
> >    ' amount of other lot of lines
> > endif
> > if not isnull()
> >   goto codepiecelabel1
> > endif
> >   ' amount of lines
> I don't want to be blunt, but I am forced to say that:

a) GOTO is always avoidable (even in COBOL)
b) The need for GOTO usally comes from poor coding (and perhaps poor
c)  For me, the above example is one of the worst situations to use GOTO.
It makes reading
    and understanding the code very, very hard.

My experience is that when you get to a point where GOTO seems to be the
best solution (sometimes, only solution) then probabibly you have thought
not enough about what you are coding -- or coded well enough.

Finally, if you set the GOTO to break a loop, or to jump to a nearby place,
you might be able to survive.
But if you use it to to jump over 4000 lines of code, that should sound a
LOUD, VERY LOUD alarm. Something is probabily very wrong. I simply can not
think about a situation where you have a single block of 4.000 lines of
code. It should have been broken down into a few tens or pehaps hundreds

It means, even thou I don't know your code, I would guess it has not been
well thought out..


- fernando

be put into a meaningful class. An object of this class contains all
> your relevant variables and you can pass a reference of that object
> (as a container for the variables) to a function.
> If there's no sensible grouping of variables into classes but you
> don't have dozens of variables, then you could try ByRef [1].
> Regards,
> Tobi
> [1] http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/doc/byref
> --
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Fernando Cabral
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