[Gambas-user] check 4 Gambas Runtime files?

mikeB mb at code-it.com
Thu Dec 14 23:42:39 CET 2017

Okay - I think I completely understand what needs to be done and
of course my goal is not "your customers won't need Linux
anymore :-) Was just thinking out load in presenting the
original question. Think that "Docker" is prob doing what
"VB Wrap" did - wrapping EVERYTHING into one executable file.

I am beginning to love the 'Linux way' but folks that have
used Windows for a long time mostly just don't "get it"
and just want to get their stuff done - (also for me it's hard
to erase almost 20 years of programming experience with VB)
At least that's what I'm finding from my following that are
making the big switch - I know how they fell as I am also a
newbie with years of learning ahead of me;-)

Thank you personally to all that gave advise and especially
to you Tobi for your time and expertise.
I will be following your advise.

I'm putting this subject to rest and consider it resolved -
have a GREAT day,

On 12/14/2017 12:37 PM, Tobias Boege wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Dec 2017, mikeB wrote:
>> mikeB here again (i'm sure that most folks think i should just go away &
>> figure it out myself- but just maybe others have these same questions?
>> amd i'm having a heck of a time 'figuring it out myself' ;-(
>> *******************************************************
>> In comparing a setup file (VB6 to Gambas):
>> VB6 INSTALL = the script of almost all M$ Windows install files includes at
>> the very beginning the current VB runtime files (at least in any setup I
>> ever created) to make sure the end users' system is up to date with the
>> software being installed.
>> GAMBAS INSTALL = if an app is developed using Gambas version 3.10 and the
>> end users system has v3.8 runtime files installed (or none) the program (end
>> user app) will not install - comes back with the message
>> that v.10 runtime files are required. Not a peep on how to get them or
>> offer to do it automatically.
>> ********************************************************
>> So - my question is = would there be a way to include the v.10 runtime files
>> in the install script - to upgrade if needed - just like a VB6 install? And
>> if so,  would that cause any unforeseen problems?
>> For the somewhat advanced Linux user - none of this matters much
>> cuz they are use to handling these issues - but my concern is the
>> person that just switched from Wins 10 to Linux 3 days ago - as I have
>> a large following that I'm trying to help make the switch not only to Linux
>> but to Gambas programming;-)  I want the end user to have NO problems
>> installing a Gambas programmed app - just double click the file (to install)
>> like they are use to. Not having to check v or anything else - just double
>> click the file.
>> Sorry for the long post as some of it was prob unnecessary,
>> have a GREAT day,
>> mikeB
> First of all, there seems to be Docker [1] if you want to distribute a
> program with all its dependencies. I have a hard time understanding their
> jargon, but the docs [2] contain these sentences:
>    Portable deployment across machines. Docker defines a format for bundling
>    an application and all its dependencies into a single object called a
>    container. This container can be transferred to any Docker-enabled machine.
>    The container can be executed there with the guarantee that the execution
>    environment exposed to the application will be the same in development,
>    testing, and production.
> I have no idea how they do that and what is costs. You would hope they don't
> throw all the libraries into an image, because that could turn out to be
> huge for Gambas, if you tie in the QT libraries, for instance. (Their logo
> kind of suggests that.) On the plus side, your customers won't need Linux
> anymore :-)
> I won't say any more about Docker, because I never used it and others here
> may have, and I don't have time to do more research about it now.
>> So - my question is = would there be a way to include the v.10 runtime files
>> in the install script - to upgrade if needed - just like a VB6 install? And
>> if so,  would that cause any unforeseen problems?
> It's not clear how to do that. The merit of Docker is probably that
> they figured out a way to do this without messing up and it seems to
> be intricate. You can't simply ship a native library compiled for your
> home computer together with your Gambas program and expect it to work
> on someone else's raspberry pi because, for starters, that processor
> has a different instruction set.
> Besides the feasibility, who *wants* you to ship them their dependencies
> with every one of your programs? Assuming they trust you not to put in
> anything malicious, it's a waste of space as soon as one gets more than
> one of your programs. Let me just say in closing this line of thought
> that you're not the first one who thought about that, but it generally
> seems to be a mess and people eventually turn to the Right Way.
> And that is to install programs with your package manager, which will
> take care of installing dependencies system-wide. This raises the question
> how you distribute your programs currently and what exactly
>> comes back with the message that v.10 runtime files are required
> means. If you target Ubuntu, we have a PPA with a current Gambas version,
> as you know. You would have to tell your people once that they must enable
> this PPA (and nothing more) and afterwards you can give them installation
> packages made by the IDE and all components will be installed as they are
> needed, automatically on double click -- and it /should/ actually work in
> practice, too!
> Did you find the "Make installation package" functionality already and
> does it fail you?
> Regards,
> Tobi
> [1] https://www.docker.com/
> [2] https://docs.docker.com/engine/faq/

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