[Gambas-user] Switching to GitLab

Tobias Boege taboege at ...626...
Thu Aug 17 09:57:57 CEST 2017

On Thu, 17 Aug 2017, Christof Thalhofer wrote:
> But as you now have the complete repository on your computer you can
> easyly switch to another version, you can checkout tags and also branches:
> For actual stable you would do:
> git checkout v3.10.0
> For an older one:
> git checkout v3.7.1
> I dont know much about compiling gambas, but I think, that a "make
> clean" could be neccessary between compiler runs.

Usually, yes. You only have to make clean && ./reconf && ./configure if the
autoconf files of Gambas change. One source of such a change is adding a
new source file to (a C/C++ component of) Gambas, which may or may not have
happened since your last pull. If you pay attention to where files changed,
you don't have to reconfigure the whole tree (reconf-all in the root), but
only in directories where changes occured.

But if you checkout another branch it is a good bet you have to make clean
&& ./reconf-all && ./configure, because you would suspect more substantial
changes between, say, different stable releases.


"There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk

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