[Gambas-user] Typing in - help for own function

Rolf-Werner Eilert eilert-sprachen at ...221...
Mon Nov 16 17:18:14 CET 2015

Just had this idea: When I type in the name of a function in one of the 
classes of my project (an own function), the help pops up and tells me 
about the variables needed and the data type of that function.

But it would be helpful (e. g. after a longer time of absence) to have 
some kind of explanation or declaration text to tell me how this 
function was meant to be used. So, is there a way of quoting some kind 
of comment which is then shown in this help window? Or if not, wouldn't 
it be a nice-to-have? ;)

I'm thinking about a special quote character, e. g. # or & in a comment, 
or a pair of commands (forming a block) or something.


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