[Gambas-user] Cannot start gambas3-3.7.1 after compilation

John Frankish john.frankish at ...3358...
Tue May 26 15:04:09 CEST 2015

>>>> Hi,
>>>> I just compiled gambas3-3.7.1 from source against qt-4.8.6 and 
>>>> gtk-3.16.1, but when I try to start it, I get this:
>>>> $ gambas3
>>>> Stock.Themes_Read.698: #45: File or directory does not exist
>>>> Project.Main.334
>>>   The error is on a line that tries to browse the "/usr/share/icons"
>>> directory. Don't you have such a directory on your system?
>> No, it's /usr/local/share/icons and gambas3 was compiled to /usr/local...
>> Do I need to go through the source to look for other hard links to /usr?
> I will fix the code to not crash if /usr/share/icons does not exist.
> But why you should I look to /usr/local/share/icons? Is it a standard path
for storing icons?
> I mean: each time I look in /usr/a/b/c, I must look in /usr/local/a/b/c
I understand (I could well be mistaken) that /usr is for a distro's files
and /usr/local is for apps added afterwards.
Since my distro, tinycorelinux, comes with the bare minimum, almost
everything is added and in /usr/local.

This being said, if a configure script allows "--prefix=/usr/local", then it
would seem logical that it looks in $PREFIX/etc, $PREFIX/share and so on to
find things, n'est pas?

> Anyway, yes, you can browse everywhere and tell me if you see some hard
links to /usr.

So far, I've found that gambas3 is stuck with finding /usr/local/share/icons
and /usr/local/share/mime

..but I'm still looking :)

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