[Gambas-user] Connecting DataControl to DataSource

Lewis Balentine lewis at ...3412...
Mon Jan 5 22:35:43 CET 2015

I must be missing something very basic in the use of form database controls.
I can not seem to get a data control populated ...
It appears to me that the data control is not linked to the DataSource.
What am I missing ???

Two additional questions:
Is there a way to access the "Result" object of a DataSource ?
Is there a way to change the "DataSource" for a DataControl ?


Lewis Balentine

Public Sub Form_Open()
   Dim I As Integer
   ' This is A SIMPLE form:
   ' It has Two controls:
   '   gb.db.form: DataSource named DataSource1
   '   gb.db.form: DataView named DataView1

   ' pvr.FindDB() finds the SQLite3 DB file and opens a connection to it 
named "pvr.PvrDb"

   ' DataSource is a container that provides data from a database to all 
its children and grand-children recursively:
   ' It uses its Table And Filter properties And an Open Connection To 
make a Result object.
   ' From this Result, it fills its children controls.
   ' The database Is Defined by the Connection property.
   DataSource1.Connection = pvr.PvrDb
   DataSource1.Table = "Select StartDateTime, ChannelDigital, Status, 
ShowDuration, ShowTitle from TitanTVSchedule Order by StartDateTime, 
   DataSource1.Filter = ""

   Debug DataSource1.Connection.Type  '
   Debug DataSource1.Connection.Host
   Debug DataSource1.Connection.Name
   Debug DataSource1.Connection.Type
   Debug DataSource1.Connection.Opened
   Debug "DataSource1 Record Count: "; DataSource1.Count
   Debug "----------------------------------------------"

   ' This control Implements a TableView that shows the contents Of a 
database table And allows To edit it.
   ' The data Is Provided by the the first DataSource parent control.
   ' The Columns Property controls the list Of fields To display Or edit.
   DataView1.Enabled = True
   DataView1.Columns = ["StartDateTime", "ChannelDigital", "Status", 
"ShowDuration", "ShowTitle"]

   Debug "DataView1 Parent: "; DataView1.Parent.Name
   Debug "DataView1 Column Count: "; DataView1.View.Columns.Count
   Debug "DataView1 Row Count: "; DataView1.View.Rows.Count

' Console Window Output:
' pvr.FindDB.409: Open: True /home/lewis/Documents/KWPVR.DB3
' FMain.Form_Open.22: sqlite
' FMain.Form_Open.23: /home/lewis/Documents
' FMain.Form_Open.24: KWPVR.DB3
' FMain.Form_Open.25: sqlite
' FMain.Form_Open.26: True
' FMain.Form_Open.27: DataSource1 Record Count: 31
' FMain.Form_Open.28: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
' FMain.Form_Open.37: DataView1 Parent: FMain
' FMain.Form_Open.38: DataView1 Column Count: 0
' FMain.Form_Open.39: DataView1 Row Count: 0

' [System]
' Gambas = 3.6.2
' OperatingSystem = Linux
' Kernel = 3.13.0 - 24 - generic
' Architecture = x86_64
' Distribution = Linux Mint 17 Qiana
' Desktop = MATE
' Theme = QGtk
' Language = en_US.UTF - 8
' Memory = 15994 M
' [Libraries]
' Cairo = libcairo.so.2.11301.0
' Curl = libcurl.so.4.3.0
' DBus = libdbus - 1. so.3.7.6
' GStreamer = libgstreamer - 0.10.so.0.30.0
' GStreamer = libgstreamer - 1.0.so.0.204.0
' GTK + 3 = libgtk - 3. so.0.1000.8
' GTK += libgtk - x11 - 2.0.so.0.2400.23
' OpenGL = libGL.so.1.2.0
' Poppler = libpoppler.so.44.0.0
' Qt4 = libQtCore.so.4.8.6
' SDL = libSDL - 1.2.so.0.11.4

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