[Gambas-user] Communicating to hosted forms...

Stephen sbungay at ...3301...
Thu Jan 1 21:41:25 CET 2015

I just extracted the archive from the email, loaded it and of course it 
works perfectly.

I had this;

mhform1.textbox2.text = value


mgform2.textbox2.text = value

in my original code but I kept getting "null object" every time it tried 
execute the line.

Thanks for putting up with my stupidity and taking the time to help out.


On 12/30/2014 11:53 AM, Charlie Reinl wrote:
> Am Dienstag, den 30.12.2014, 16:45 +0100 schrieb Tobias Boege:
>> On Tue, 30 Dec 2014, Charlie Reinl wrote:
>>> Am Dienstag, den 30.12.2014, 07:27 -0500 schrieb Stephen:
>>>> Attached is a test harness that tries to implement the following.
>>>>     FormMain hosts two other forms (Form1 and Form2) within two frames
>>>> (Frame1 and Frame2). On each of these hosted forms there are two text
>>>> boxes and a button. Pressing the button on either of the hosted forms
>>>> raises an event that pushes the value in TextBox1 up to the forms
>>>> parent. The object of the exercise is to push the value received in the
>>>> event to TextBox2 of the other hosted form.
>>>>     Have a look at the project example, I can't seem to get a handle
>>>> (sic) on how to communicate to the child forms from the parent.
>>> Salut Stephen,
>>> now its to you to find all my changes
>> You can still send a patch :-P
> Salut Tobi,
> while never used, I jump to the occasion and made one.
> Q: I would like choose the files but couldn't uncheck
> And if you are on the listview with the checkbuttons and every time
> you step back to the source archive and the forward again the file list
> is added one more time to the listview.
> einen Guten Rutsch

Kindest Regards
Stephen A. Bungay, Prop.
Smarts On Site Information Systems

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