[Gambas-user] New gb.web.form component

Benoît Minisini gambas at ...1...
Sun Dec 6 15:21:09 CET 2015

Le 06/12/2015 14:45, PICCORO McKAY Lenz a écrit :
> Hi Benoit and others.. there's many things here that must be take carefully
> 1) take in consideration stabilitiy in words of changes of the web
> sites/apps, everyday are changing and the browsers force that! the
> app, javascript, ajax, and those stupids that forces developers to
> change and change anc change on all the new day always change also..
> This can broke the forwad compatibility o gambas, remenber any older
> gambas app in series will compile in nwe version, example my APP-3.4.0
> can be build in gambas 3.8.3 and runs without change, THAT ITS NOT IN
> A thing that gambas have its the consistency in development word,
> aditions and aditions but nothing break the things made in the past!
> In the web development word that's its not!
> 2) due the firts fact, the development of that will take more thant
> xpected, so a idea can be separate the project!, BUT this will means
> more workload for manpowers and for Benoit!

Please don't take things too much emotionally. I suggest that you look 
deeply in the gb.web.form component and understand how it works concretely.

As I have already said, the browser is used a bit like a graphical 
terminal. So if it decides not to be backward-compatible, Gambas cannot 
do much against that. Exactly like with QT or GTK+.

>> create an application entirely in javascript that will be run inside the
>> browser (like Google docs for example).
> i dont like, due today the web apps take tooo much cpu process, due
> that! also on every day changes and the browsers change and the users
> never have peace, always pending "update" the browser!
> SO THIS WIL IMPACT IN THE GUI? and in gambas gui of web  component?
> so obviously this will impact in the development and benoit time dedication!
>> Do understand that the web application is a CGI script that must build
> ....
>> application. It has performance impact.
> I improved that, runnig multiple gci apps and interacting between
> cgi's, the performan problem gone! of course u must programing better
> logic beetween projects/apps

Please make an effort to make your english more readable. It takes some 
brain power to put the letters back in order. And then I even don't 
understand what you are talking about exactly...

Anyway, thanks for your interest on gb.web.form!


Benoît Minisini

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