[Gambas-user] [Gambas Bug Tracker] Bug #704: Format does not handle time separator correctly

Charlie Reinl Karl.Reinl at ...2345...
Fri Aug 28 10:05:44 CEST 2015

Am Freitag, den 28.08.2015, 01:35 +0300 schrieb Jussi Lahtinen:
> I have a feeling this is not first time I get confused with that...
> So, this:
> Format(Now, "hh\\:mm dd\\/mm\\/yyyy")
> Yields this, ignoring localization:
> 15:08 27/08/2015
> Documentation could be bit more specific how to quote the characters, there
> are other non-working options like \:\, or \:.
> Maybe the above could be one of the examples.
> Jussi

Salut Jussi,

you made that GambasTester, why not strip down to a version which checks
only the Date-Format, and ask to the list to send a list with their 
localisation string + Format(Now, "<format string>") + the expected
So Benoît can check easier the function.


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