[Gambas-user] Locating a function's source code?

John Leake jleake at ...3375...
Thu Sep 18 19:42:54 CEST 2014

Hi Lee,

I feel the same way and have experienced the same kind of inability to
help oneself so you are not alone in this respect. I have been told that
it just takes time to get familiar with how things work and how things
are done.

I intend to rectify this.

That said the community is very friendly and willing to help in any way
they can.  However the amount of email noise this generates will only
increase and go off the scale as the tool becomes more popular.

I think that the only thing stopping avalanches of unnecessary questions
by newcomers is that the newcomers are probably giving it a try, getting
nowhere fast and then leaving never to be seen again.

Best regards,

John Leake

On 18/09/14 18:24, T Lee Davidson wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am almost lost when it comes to browsing the source code tree for 
> specific pieces of code.
> The Gambas home page (http://gambas.sourceforge.net/en/main.html) has a 
> "Browse Source Code" link, but that page only shows the latest commits. 
> And, anything I do there to try to browse the tree, just seems to take 
> me around in circles.
> The HTTP access command there and the SVN command on the Wiki's "How To 
> Deal With Subversion" page (http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/howto/svn) both 
> assume that one wants to checkout a copy of the repository. I do not.
> I found that I can browse the code by converting the SVN-protocol URI to 
> a HTTP-protocol URI (http://svn.code.sf.net/p/gambas/code/gambas/), and 
> use my web browser to view the code tree.
> Okay, good. Now where do I go from here?
> Suppose I wish to view the source code for the "Hex$" function. The Wiki 
> page for that function (http://gambaswiki.org/wiki/lang/hex) does not 
> give any clue as to what component or class it belongs to. A look at the 
> gb component and the gb class does not reveal that function.
> So, I guess it is a built-in function native to the interpreter (?). If 
> I decide to go with that assumption, that brings me back to, "where do I 
> go from here?"
> I know that I would look in "trunk" for code upcoming in the next major 
> release, and in "branches" if I want to see how the function is 
> implemented in my current version. But exactly where would I look?
> In "app/", in "main/", somewhere else?
> And how might I be able to figure this out for myself next time?
> I appreciate any guidance anyone may care to give.
> Lee
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