[Gambas-user] Control Backgroung/Foreground colour

Christof Thalhofer chrisml at ...3340...
Wed Sep 17 22:06:35 CEST 2014

Am 17.09.2014 um 20:59 schrieb Jussi Lahtinen:
>>  No, that ist for detection of file corruption on disk. Or even file
>> corruption in general.
> Hmmm... I wonder what is the difference exactly. How svn can detect
> conflict, if it cannot detect corruption?

Hmmm... :-), too complicated for me to answer. Ask Linus, he did a talk
about that, there:


>> Now start coding and committing by and by.
> What I didn't like is the way you need to make the commits, a lot of work
> for just adding one line to the sources.

Yes, that was my thought also, when I started using Git. Why there is a
staging area between me and the repo?

In the beginning I did "Fuck! Commit all!" as in SVN.

Now I know, that if I work, I often see a piece of code, that is
malformatted or has a little thing, that is to be fixed, but has nothing
to do with the task, I'm working on. I fix it, yeah, inbetween.

When I commit the work with tig (sorry, I am not anymore able to explain
it in Git commands) out of the staging-area, now I'm commiting things in
the context of what has been done. I do not commit the work of an
afternoon, but I commit 1) the task I did and then 2) the two or three
other things I did, while resolving the first task, in separate commits.

So my commits are much cleaner. They show really the task I worked on
and not the garbage I did else in maybe other files or other places in
the same file. You can commit even parts of the file you changed, in Git
they are called "hunks".


If I want to see, what I did five weeks ago, I see, what I did, and not
what I did else that afternoon.

And If I did just lazy editing around, I do a commit all and call it

> Thanks, I will keep that on my mind. I'm not right now involved with
> projects using git, but if I need I'll try that next time.

Yeah, cool, try it out. Take a lazy sunday afternoon with Git. :-)

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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