[Gambas-user] ...And what is planned for Gambas 3.7

Randall Morgan rmorgan62 at ...626...
Tue Sep 16 02:21:57 CEST 2014

Just my thoughts,

I think a web front end for the website to allow searching of project would
be important. Also, perhaps projects should be sorted into components and

On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 5:03 PM, Benoît Minisini <
gambas at ...1...> wrote:

> Hi again,
> For the next version, I'd like to implement a Gambas dedicated software
> repository.
> Here are my current thoughts about it, and I'd like to hear comments and
> ideas from you. I want to start with something as simple as possible
> first...
> 1) The Gambas repository is an http web service, but without website at
> the moment. It will allow to:
> - upload software.
> - search for software.
> - download software.
> 2) A software is a compiled Gambas project, with eventually the source
> project. Nothing more.
> 3) In the IDE, I will add a dialog to upload your project.
> 4) Uploading a project requires:
> - a login and a password, so you should be able to create an account
> from the IDE.
> - a project name.
> - a project description.
> - a project icon.
> - a project screenshot (optional).
> - a project major version.
> - tags. Some tags will be automatic (for example the component used by
> the project), some will be predefined.
> - a project control sum (MD5/SHA...).
> 5) I will made an external Gambas program to:
> - Search for projects inside the repository.
> - Download and install a project somewhere in the user home directory.
> 6) That program should be able to know how to install the needed gambas
> binary packages according to the system distribution. If it is not
> possible, it should at least warn the user about missing components.
> 7) A Gambas program may depend on other programs in the repository. That
> way libraries will be able to be put in the repository too.
> 8) Gambas examples will be moved from the source tree to the repository.
> 9) The repository will be able to include the same program in different
> X.Y versions.
> 10) The web service protocol will be documented, and the server will be
> a GPL Gambas project, so that anybody can bring up its own repository if
> needed.
> 11) Consequently, we should be able to define different source
> repositories (like Ubuntu ppas) for downloading, and different targets
> for publishing.
> Now just tell me what you think about that.
> --
> Benoît Minisini
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If you ask me if it can be done. The answer is YES, it can always be done.
The correct questions however are... What will it cost, and how long will
it take?

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