[Gambas-user] something for the wishlist 'a Combobox with ensurevisible center'

Christof Thalhofer chrisml at ...3340...
Tue Oct 21 23:01:35 CEST 2014

Am 21.10.2014 um 21:52 schrieb Tobias Boege:

> There is a ComboBox being implemented in Gambas by Christof Thalhofer (and
> friends?). 

That was my fault ;-)

> He wrote about it here recently. Because it is built anew on top
> of other controls, I bet you can add whatever you want to it.

Yes. But it's pre-alpha and still has a lot of bugs regarding editing
the text for search which is entered by the user. I still think about
rewriting the code that is responsible for that. But here the combobox
works in production code resonably well for what it was intended. So I
am not under real pressure.

I think, what Charlie wants, goes above what I had in mind when writing
the combobox. As I understood Charlie thinks about an additional
horizontal walk through the list.

I am not sure wheather such features should be included als long as the
basic functionality (enter text, change it, search for occurences in the
list, walk vertically through the list by keyboard or mouse) is not
fully complete.

But it's on Github now and can easily been forked.

Alles Gute

Christof Thalhofer

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