[Gambas-user] MTHeme error...

Tobias Boege taboege at ...626...
Thu Jul 10 14:46:20 CEST 2014

On Thu, 10 Jul 2014, Stephen wrote:
>    Thank you Tobias.
>    Hmmmm... it (MTheme.ReadFile) is looking for a subdir off /tmp with 
> the name of gambas. I created the subdir manually and gambas3-3.5.4 now 
> starts up as it should.
>    Perhaps a change to the MTheme.module is warranted, check for the 
> existence of the directories referenced in sPath, create them if need 
> be, then copy sPath to sTemp. Just a thought.

Hmm, interesting. From _init(), ReadFile("gambas") gets called, which
constructs a path "theme/gambas" to load the default theme which is then
copied to a temporary location, which is the famous line 59.

But the path to copy the theme file to is obtained from Temp$() so if this
directory doesn't exist, some node in the path /tmp/gambas.UID/PID/ does not
exist (which would be strange) or Temp$() is broken...


"There's an old saying: Don't change anything... ever!" -- Mr. Monk

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