[Gambas-user] Issue 521 in gambas: Unimplemented function HtmlDocument_GetElementById()

gambas at ...2524... gambas at ...2524...
Wed Apr 16 20:18:39 CEST 2014

	Status: Fixed
	Owner: adrien.p... at ...626...
	Labels: -Version Version-TRUNK

Comment #1 on issue 521 by adrien.p... at ...626...: Unimplemented function  


I fixed this bug in revision #6244, thanks.

However, your patch would not have worked : the GetElement() function  
returns the first element with the given tag name, and creates it if it was  
not found. I use it when some special tags in the HTML document are  
required by the user, like the <head> tag or the <body> tag.
I used the XMLNode_getFirstChildByAttributeValue() function, which is much  
more appropriate. :)


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