[Gambas-user] File extensions

Bruce bbruen at ...2308...
Fri May 17 01:08:38 CEST 2013

On Thu, 2013-05-16 at 17:39 +0200, Willy Raets wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to achieve something but have no idea even where to start
> looking.
> Let's say I have a gambas3 application named MyFileMaker
> The application MyFileMaker saves files with extension .myfile
> What I want to achieve is when double clicking a .myfile for application
> MyFileMaker to open with the double clicked .myfile
> 1. How does my application know it is opened because a .myfile was
> double clicked instead of opened from menu as usual as it has to act
> differently?
> 2. How does the system know that a .myfile needs to be opened with
> MyFileMaker?
> 3. How do I give the .myfile their own icon, meaning how does the system
> know that when there is a .myfile it has to use an icon I provided?
> This all needs to work when a end user installs MyFileMaker, so:
> 4. What do I need to do when making a package. Are there any options
> that need to be set in the packaging wizard and how do they need to be
> set?
> Any hint or link to more information would be welcome.

2. This is entirely dependent on the end users desktop manager (or the
file manager application if the clicking was done in there.)  Clicking
on a desktop icon uses the DM "launcher" service to activate the default
"Open with" use case.  
3. Again, depends on the DM in use.  For example, LXDE uses mimetypes to
determine the icon for the file when it is on the desktop (and in the
file manager).
1. No idea.
4. I can think of several ways that this could be done, none of them
easy.  I don't know for sure but maybe some sort of post install script
that creates the correct mimetype infrastrucure, depending on the
deployment DM might be an idea.


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