[Gambas-user] Wizard control in Gambas 3.4 - Not responding to events ?

Tobias Boege taboege at ...626...
Sun Mar 17 12:30:01 CET 2013

On Sun, 17 Mar 2013, Ian wrote:
> Greetings all,
> I find that some Wizard controls are not responding to events.
> Given that this control is a little unusual, I may not be using it in the 
> right way. ?
> When you right click on the Wizard in the editor, not all of the possible 
> events are displayed.
> To access these events, you have to manually type...
> Private Sub Wizard1_
> The full(?) event list is then displayed.
> I have included a small project as required to display this.
> Am I doing it the wrong way or is it really a bug ?

You should not open a new thread by replying to an already existing one. It
screws up at least my mail program's management of mail threads. If you
don't mind, I pull this message out of "Gambas2: Replace doesn't replace".

Next, you seem to mix two unrelated problems:

1) Not all Wizard events are displayed in the IDE form editor
I don't see this problem with rev#5576 (post-3.4).

2) Some events don't get raised at runtime
Well, Wizard is what I would call a "compound control". It is a complex
control written in Gambas made up of simpler ones. To make the internal,
simple controls work together, it must react to (and consume) some of their

Why would you intercept, e.g. Wizard_MouseDown() or Wizard_Leave()? The
Wizard already manages its contents so that you don't have to. Generally,
these "compound controls" provide a more abstract set of events to work
with - and these are guaranteed to not be consumed by itself.

Finally, regarding those Wizard events which didn't work in your project:
Event handlers must always be "Public Sub" so that the event-raising object
can find them. The ones which didn't work in your project were "Private Sub"
and yeah, that's why they didn't work.


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