[Gambas-user] gnuplot ... any experienced users?

Bruce bbruen at ...2308...
Tue Jun 11 06:51:04 CEST 2013

Rather than write a very lengthy post trying to describe a problem that
I am having with embedding a gnuplot plot in a gambas panel I am just
asking whether there are any people here that have some experience with
gnuplot that I can converse with offline.

(The problem is how to kill the gnuplot task when it is to be replaced
by a new plot.)

What the heck is all this about?

gnuplot is a fairly wonderful thing that can create some fantastic
plots.  Much more than is possible with the gambas gb.chart component.
I have written a gambas application that pulls some data from a db,
creates a gnuplot data file and a gnuplot script to generate a nice
little time series plot using splines, in addition the script embeds the
plot in a panel in my form automagically!  Specifically, the embedding
is done by gnuplot, not by gambas. I just send it the X11 handle of the
panel control.

It all works 99.9% wonderfully, I just can't figure out how to fix that
0.1% which is ... when I want to generate a new plot using some
different data how can I kill(?) the current gnuplot task that is
generating/reacting to it's plot in the panel.

Obscure? Yes.

Any takers? ... please.


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